Arrival, information and accommodation

Brescia's main advantage is its convenience: it is on the main Milan-Verona railway line, giving you access to the cities of the Veneto as well as those of Lombardy; local trains run up to Lecco, Lago d'Iseo, and the Camonica Valley, while the rest of the province, including the main resorts of Garda and several more distant destinations, is covered by direct buses, which leave from the two bus terminals outside the train station . This is south of the centre, a short bus ride or fifteen-minute walk from the city centre. Brescia has two tourist offices , one at Piazza Loggia 6 (Mon-Sat: April-Sept 9.30am-6.30pm; Oct-March 9.30am-12.30pm & 2-5pm; tel 030.240.0357, , ), the other at Corso Zanardelli 34 (Mon-Fri 9am-12.30pm & 3-6pm, Sat 9am-12.30pm; tel 030.43.418 or 030.45.052).

Of Brescia's hotels , Ai Giardini , Via Rubuffone 13, just beyond Porta Venezia (tel 030.292.250; up to L60,000/a?¬30.99), is very cheap, if some way out of the centre; take bus #Q from the train station or any that runs through Porta Venezia. Other hotels include the San Marco at Via Spalto 15 (tel 030.45.541; L60,000-90,000/a?¬30.99-46.48), and the plain but handily placed Albergo Stazione on Vicolo Stazione 15/17, off Viale Stazione (tel 030.377.4614; L60,000-90,000/a?¬30.99-46.48), or Solferino , Via Solferino 1 (tel 030.46.300; L60,000-90,000/a?¬30.99-46.48), opposite the bus station. With a little more money, you could try Duomo , very conveniently placed at Via Cesare Beccaria 17 (tel 030.375.8751; L90,000-120,000/a?¬46.48-61.98).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
