Arrival and information

The Stazione Centrale , for all mainline trains, is in Piazza Giovanni XXIII, northeast of the centre (train information tel 147.888.088). If you're changing on to the round-Etna train, the Stazione Circumetnea is at Corso delle Province 13, just off Corso Italia (information tel 095.531.402 or 095.374.842). The airport , Fontanarossa (tel 095.730.6266 or 095.730.6277), is 5km south and is the entry point of most charter flights to Sicily. To get into the city, take the Alibus (every 15min, 5am-midnight; L1300/0.68) from right outside, which runs to the central Piazza Stesicoro (on Via Etnea) and to Stazione Centrale in around 20 minutes. A taxi from the rank outside the airport will cost around L35,000/18.20 for the same journey.

All buses , both regional from Catania province and island-wide, stop at various points in Piazza Giovanni XXIII, across from the train station. Of the bus companies, AST (tel 095.746.1096; timetables are pinned to posts and there's a ticket office at Via L. Sturzo 230, on the east side of the square) stop opposite the station and serve Acireale, Carlentini, Etna ( Rifugio Sapienza ), Lentini and Nicolosi; Etna Trasporti (tel 095.530.396) leave from Via d'Amico 181, at the back of the piazza, for Caltagirone, Piazza Armerina, Gela, Giardini-Naxos and Taormina; Interbus (tel 095.532.716), going to Acireale, Giardini-Naxos, Taormina, Siracusa and Ragusa, also depart from Via d'Amico 181, as do SAIS (tel 095.536.168) to Agrigento, Enna, Caltanissetta, Messina/Taormina, Nicosia, Noto, Pachino, Palermo and Siracusa.

Immediately outside the Stazione Centrale you'll find ranks of AMT city buses : #1/4, #4/7, #4/27, #4/39 and #431 run into the centre, along Via VI Aprile and Via Vittorio Emanuele to Piazza del Duomo; the #4/8 also takes you to Via Etnea. Other central pick-up points are Piazza del Duomo itself, Piazza Stesicoro, and Piazza Borsellino (below Piazza del Duomo), where there's a stop for the airport Alibus and for buses #4/27 and #5/38, which serve the campsites. Tickets (L1300/0.68) are valid for any number of journeys within ninety minutes and are available from tabacchi , the newsagents inside Stazione Centrale or the booth outside the station. The same outlets also sell a Biglietto Giornaliero (L3500/1.82), valid for one-day's unlimited travel on all local AMT bus routes.

There's a tourist office (daily 9am-7pm; tel 095.730.6255) inside Stazione Centrale, with English-speaking staff. The main office (daily 9am-7pm; tel 095.730.6233 or 095.730.6222, fax 095.316.407) is signposted off Via Etnea, at Via Cimarosa 10. There's also an information office at the airport (daily 8am-9pm; tel 095.730.6266 or 095.730.6277).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
