
There's not much to bring you to CUNEO , the main town of southern Piemonte. Its severely geometric modern centre has less appeal than its extensive bus and rail connections, and the old town - what there is left of it - is dark and gloomy. Even its one "sight", the museum (weekdays only) in the restored Gothic church of San Francesco behind the bus station, is only of limited interest: the collection ranges from medieval frescoes to a folk section with traditional costumes, kitchen utensils and an ancient bike.

The tourist office is at Corso Nizza 17 (Mon-Sat 9.30am-12.30pm & 3-6.30pm, Sun 9.30am-12.30pm; tel 0171.66.615 or 0171.693.258). If you want to stay, there are a couple of reasonable hotels : the Cavallo Nero at Piazza Seminario 8 (tel 0171.692.168; L90,000-120,000/€46.48-61.98) and the similarly priced Ligure at Via Savigliano 11 (tel 0171.681.942; L90,000-120,000/€46.48-61.98).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
