City transport

Palermo is very much a city in which to walk , but you'll find getting around exclusively on foot exhausting and impractical. The city buses (run by AMAT) are easy to use, covering every corner of Palermo and stretching out to Monreale and Mondello. There's a flat fare of L1500/a?¬0.78 for any number of journeys made within the same hour, or you can buy an all-day ticket for L5000/a?¬2.58, while tickets for the linea gialla and rossa minibus services cost just L1000/a?¬0.52 for a day's use - all are available from the glass booths outside Stazione Centrale, or at the southern end of Viale della LibertA , in some tabacchi , and wherever else you see the AMAT sign; validate tickets in the machine at the back of the bus the first time you use them. Buses run until around 11pm, when night-services (generally one an hour) take over on all the major routes. The main city bus rank is outside Stazione Centrale. Otherwise, don't be afraid of jumping into a taxi (ranks outside the train station and in other main piazzas, or call 091.513.311), a cheap and safe way to get around at night - just make sure the meter is switched on, or you have checked the price beforehand.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
