
Pescara has two train stations , though unless you're leaving the country you only need to use one, Stazione Centrale (the other, Porta Nuova, is only for ferry connections). Conveniently, buses to Rome (quicker than the train) and Naples leave from outside Stazione Centrale. The tourist office is at Via N Fabrizi 171 (daily 9am-1pm & 4-7pm; tel 085.4290.0212, ) halfway up Corso Umberto between the train station and the seafront, on a turning to the right.

If you need to stay the nearest campsites are Francavilla (tel 085.810.715) or Paola (tel 085.817.525) at Francavalla al Mare - buses #1 and #2 stop outside. Most of the hotels are on the beach-front north of the river and the old town, although you can sleep more cheaply at somewhere like the Corso (tel 085.422.4210; L90,000-120,000/a?¬46.48-61.98) to the right of the train station at Corso Vittorio Emanuele 292 or Planet , Via Piave 142 (tel 085.421.1657; L60,000-90,000/a?¬30.99-46.48), up Corso Umberto from the train station, left onto Via M Forti and then right. A more upmarket choice (book a couple of weeks in advance) is the comfortable, shiny and businesslike Alba , Via M Forti 14 (tel 085.389.145; L120,000-150,000/a?¬61.98-77.47). For meals , try the Hosteria Roma , Via Trento 86 (closed Sun), a small place off Corso Umberto with a short reliable menu, and low prices; or the Cantina di Jozz at Via delle Caserme 61 (closed all day Mon & Sun evening) - both do great Abruzzese food. Otherwise, try the gastronomically inclined La Lumaca , just down the road from the Cantina at no. 51 (closed Tues; booking advisable tel 085.451.0880). Corso MathonA? is the main street running through what remains of the old town of Pescara next to the river; here, among other good places to eat, you'll find Locanda ManthonA? , recommended by the Pescarese for its good food at reasonable prices (no day of closure).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
