
The train station is fifteen minutes' walk east of Piazza dei Cavalli, on Piazzale Marconi. The tourist office is at Piazzetta dei Mercanti 7, next to Piazza dei Cavalli (Tues-Sat 9.30am-12.30pm & 3.30-6.30pm; tel 0523.329.324, ), and has maps of the town and other information. Cheap hotels are virtually non-existent, but the Milano is very central on Viale Risorgimento 47-49 (tel 0523.336.843, fax 0523.385.101; L90,000-120,000/a?¬46.48-61.98). Piacenza is considered the gateway to Emilian cooking for people coming from Piemonte and Lombardy, but despite this, places to eat in the centre of town are rather thin on the ground. One of the best - and most central - restaurants is Trattoria Agnello , right behind the Palazzo del Comune at Via Calzolai 2 (closed Mon), an unpretentious place with great food and moderate prices that is justifiably popular. La Pireina , ten minutes' walk north of Piazza dei Cavalli at Via Borghetto 137 (closed Sun and Mon), is more expensive, but its menu of Piacentine specialities is well worth the splurge.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
