
Come to TrA?pani by land from the east of the island and you'll arrive in the modern part of town: most buses (including those to and from A?rice) pull up at the terminal in Piazza Malta; trains stop just around the corner in Piazza Umberto I. Exceptions to the rule are the fast buses for Palermo and Agrigento, which leave from the Egatour office, Via Ammiraglio Staiti 13. Ferries and hydrofoils for the A?gadi Islands, Pantelleria, Cagliari and Tunis dock at the adjacent Molo di Sanita. For information, accommodation listings and free maps, visit the tourist office in Piazzetta Saturno (Mon-Sat 8am-8pm, Sun 9am-noon; tel 0923.29.000, fax 0923.24.004).

Finding somewhere to stay at Easter will be tricky, unless you book well in advance, but at other times rooms are easy to come by. Cheapest of the hotels is the Messina , Corso Vittorio Emanuele 71 (tel 0923.21.198; up to L60,000/a?¬30.99), a bit dingy and often booked out; alternatively, try the smarter and more professional Maccotta on Via degli Argentieri (tel 0923.28.418; L90,000-120,000/a?¬46.48-61.98), or the comfortably modernized Nuovo Russo at 4 Tintori 4 (tel 0923.22.166; L90,000-120,000/a?¬46.48-61.98). The nearest campsite is a twenty-minute bus ride away at Lido ValdA©rice (tel 0923.573.086; April-Sept) - there are seven buses daily (not Sun in winter) to the turn-off, from which it's a 15-minute walk.

Eating is particularly enjoyable in TrA?pani. The Trattoria Safina , opposite the train station at Piazza Umberto I (closed Fri except July & Aug), is a real bargain; for fine pizzas seek out Pizzeria Mediterranea , Corso Vittorio Emanuele 195 (closed Thurs), opposite Piazza Jolanda - a takeaway joint with a couple of rooms at the back. Better-class meals are on offer at P&G , Via Spalti 1, near the station (tel 0923.547.701; closed Sun & Aug), a semi-formal place with local busiate pasta.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
