Arrival and information

If you're flying to Verona's Valerio Catullo airport at Villafranca, 10km away, you can get into the city by a regular APT bus (every 20min 7am-midnight; L7000/3.62) from the airport to the train station and Piazza Cittadella, near the city centre. Otherwise, unless you're staying in the youth hostel, you're only likely to need a bus if you don't fancy the fifteen-minute walk from the train and bus stations to the centre. To walk to the centre from here, turn right outside the train station (keeping to the right-hand side of the road - there are some busy junctions) then left at the main junction with the broad Corso Porta Nuova, which leads straight to Piazza Bra, site of the Arena and the hub of Verona. Bus tickets must be bought before boarding the bus, either from the machines alongside bay A or from the tabacchi inside the train station ticket hall. They cost L1500/0.77 and are valid for any number of journeys within an hour.

The main tourist office is on the central Piazza Bra, within the old town walls beside the Palazzo Municipale (Mon-Sat 9am-6pm; tel 045.806.8680, ). There is an additional office at the train station (daily 9am-6pm; tel 045.800.0861) and a room-finding service , Cooperativa Albergatori Veronesi (CAV), at Via Patuzzi 5 (Mon-Fri 9am-6.30pm; tel 045.800.9844); Via Patuzzi runs parallel to Via Leoncino off Piazza Gallieno in the southeast corner of Piazza Bra. You can rent bikes in summer from stalls in Piazza Bra. For Internet access, head for the small shop on platform 1 at the train station (Mon-Sat 7.30am-7.30pm) or to Diesis , on via Sottoriva 15 (Mon-Thurs 11am-11pm, Fri & Sat 11am-midnight, Sun 3pm-8pm; L15.000/7.75 per hour).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
