Verona's churches, museums and monuments

There is a biglietto unico for Verona's principal churches, which costs L8,000/4.13 and allows entry to San Zeno, San Lorenzo, the Duomo (including the baptistry and archeological findings), Sant'Anastasia and San Fermo; it can be bought at any of the churches. Alternatively you can buy individual tickets at L3000/1.55. If you're planning to be very busy, it might be worth getting the Verona Card , which costs L22,000/11.36 and gives free access to all the museums, buses and churches in the city for three days. Be careful which day you buy it, however, as almost everything shuts on a Monday and the card doesn't carry over after the weekend. A third card, costing L52,000/26.85, throws in entrance to Gardaland, the lake's answer to Disneyworld .

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
