Vicenza's museums

Two different biglietti cumulativi are on offer in Vicenza: the L12,000/6.20 ticket allows you one visit to the Teatro Olimpico, the Museo Civico and the less than enthralling Museo Naturalistico-Archeologico; the L14,000/7.23 ticket gives admission to these three plus the Museo del Risorgimento, a rather specialized museum that's a long way out of the city centre. Individually, each site charges L6000/3.10 for admission. You can also buy two more expensive cards, but these are poor value unless you plan to make a very comprehensive visit. The "Vicenza Card - Musei e Palazzi" costs L20,000/10.35 and gets you into all the places above plus the Gallerie di Palazzo Leoni-Montanari, and gives free entrance to exhibitions at the Basilica Palladiana and Palazzo Barbaran. You'd do better paying the individual entrance fees at La Rotonda and the Villa Valmarana than buying the Vicenze e le Ville card at L40,000/20.66.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
