Arrival, information and city transport

All Niigata's transport facilities are centred around the new developments on the east side of the Shinano-gawa. The JR station and the Eki-mae bus terminal lie at the east end of Higashi-Odori, the city's central spine which leads to Bandai City, with its distinctive Rainbow Tower and Bandai City Bus Centre. Continue northwest on this road, across the Bandai Bridge and along Masaya-koji Street, and you come to Furumachi, Niigata's downtown area focused around the mammoth Next 21 building.

Limousine buses connect the city's airport with the station bus terminal (1-2 hourly; 30min; ?320), while ferries dock at one of three ferry terminals on the east bank of Shinano-gawa. All three terminals are linked by local bus (20-30min; ?170) to Niigata Station, or a taxi will cost around ?1300. Most express buses use the Bandai City Bus Centre, though some also stop outside the station.

Niigata is well provided with English-language maps and information, which you can pick up at the "i" information centre (daily 8.30am-5.15pm; tel 025/241-7914) outside the station's central (Bandai) exit. The English-speaking staff can also help with same-day hotel reservations and ferry tickets to Sado. If you have more complicated language problems, the International Exchange Foundation, 6-1211-5 Kamiokawamae-dori (tel 025/225-2777), should be able to assist; they're located three blocks west of the Bandai Bridge.

Local buses depart from the station terminal and may stop outside Bandai City depending on the route. Within the central district there's a flat fare of ?170, which you pay on exit; on most buses you need to take a ticket as you enter.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
