
Disease is an ever-present threat to people in Kenya, most of whom have no access to clean water, and not enough money to afford a doctor if they do fall ill. As a visitor it's wise to take precautions - wash and dress all cuts, and avoid food that has been left lying around after cooking.

Malaria is endemic to the country, as are other diseases such as bilharzia, and rates of HIV infection are high. If you're going to be on the road for a long time, it may be worth considering taking some vitamin tablets with you, though these are no substitute for a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. One of the biggest hazards though, is the fierce heat of the tropical sun, against which you would be wise to take protection.

For a comprehensive, and extremely useful, account of the health problems which travellers encounter worldwide, consult the pocket-format Rough Guide to Travel Health by Dr Nick Jones.

If you're interested in homeopathy, look at the very impressive Abha Light Health Centre's website . The centre is in Kariobangi, east Nairobi and has ambitious aims.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
