Luxembourg City

The city of LUXEMBOURG is one of the most spectacularly sited capitals in Europe, the deep canyons of its two rivers, the Alzette and PAŠtrusse, lending it an almost perfect strategic location. It's a tiny place by capital city standards, and broadly divides into three distinct sections. The old town , on the northern side of the PAŠtrusse valley, is not noticeably very ancient, but its tight grid of streets, home to most of the city's sights, makes for a pleasant, lively area by day. On the opposite side of the PAŠtrusse, connected by two bridges, the Pont Adolphe and Pasarelle, lies the modern city - less attractive and of no real interest beyond being the location of the city's train station and cheap hotels. The valleys themselves, far below and most easily accessible by lift from place St-Esprit, are a curious mixture of houses, allotments and parkland, banking steeply up to the massive bastions that secure the old centre.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Luxembourg City