Travelling from Johor Bahru to Singapore and Indonesia

Two bus services run throughout the day between Singapore and JB. The air-con Singapore-JB Express (every 10min, 6.30am-11.30pm; RM2.20) is the most comfortable, though the #170 is cheaper (RM1.20) and runs every ten minutes 6am-11.30pm from Larkin bus station in JB to the Queen Street terminal in central Singapore. You can also catch the bus into Singapore from just outside the train station on the main road at the border. There's also an MAS bus service (RM10) from JB's Senai airport to Singapore's Novotel Orchid. Taxis between JB and Singapore departing from the KOMTAR car park, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, cost RM6-7 per person, and leave only when they are full.

The buses drop passengers outside the immigration points at each end of the causeway and immigration procedures take around ten minutes. If you want to stay in JB don't get back on the bus, just walk into town. Similarly, it is possible to board the buses to Singapore at the causeway terminal instead of trekking out to the bus station. The bus will drop you off at the border for the Immigration procedures; they won't wait for you, but if you hold onto your ticket you can board any bus of the same number on the other side of the border. To avoid this hassle, you can make the journey by train, as the formalities are carried out on board, though at RM8 for a second-class seat, this is more expensive.

You can also take a ferry to Tanjung Pinang and Pulau Batam - both in Indonesia - from Sriwani Tours and Travel (tel 07/221 1677) in the Bebas Cukai shopping centre, 2km east of the border crossing.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Johor Bahru