
Visitors arriving at the airport can pick up limited tourist information at the booth in Sala A. Everyone else will find it handier to use one of several kiosks dotted around town, none of which have much in the way of printed matter to take away, though the staff are usually well versed in the ways of the city. The largest and most useful is in the Zona Rosa , Amberes 54 at Londres (daily 9am-7pm; tel 5525-9380; Metro Insurgentes), but there is also a small office on the south side of the Alameda at JuA?rez 66 (daily 9am-7pm; tel 5518-1003; Metro Bellas Artes), and a sporadically open kiosk in the ZA?calo between the cathedral and Monte de Piedad (Metro ZA?calo).

The SECTUR office at Presidente Mazaryk 172, Polanco (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm; tel 5250-0123, or from elsewhere in the country call 1-800/903-9200; Metro Polanco), is perfectly helpful but inconveniently sited a long way from where you are likely to spend your time.

Useful local guidebooks , city maps (the best produced by Guia Roji), English-language magazines and pulp paperbacks are sold at Sanborn's and in many big hotels. Free publications, such as The Gazer and Concierge , listing restaurants, bars and nightclubs, are available at larger hotels and some restaurants.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Mexico City