
Of Tijuana's three very helpful tourist offices , two are right at the frontier - one for pedestrians, another for drivers (insurance available) - either of which is well worth a visit to pick up a free map and some leaflets. The main tourist office is right in the centre of downtown at Revolucion and 1st (daily 9am-7pm; tel 6/684-0537 or 684-0538), while on the opposite corner you'll find the often even more helpful Tourism Protection Office (Mon-Sat 9am-7pm, Sun 10am-5pm; tel 6/688-0555). This is the office to head for if you become a victim of crime, a rip-off or simply want to make a complaint (with so many tourists Tijuana feels safe enough, but there's plenty of petty crime). They also have some maps and general information. There is also an informal, general information booth at Revolucion and C 3.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
