
There are plenty of places to drink and dance in Managua. Some of them are crowded with the young and reckless teenagers of the Nica rich. Others have grandmothers and adolescents dancing to the same music. The venues are often large ranchos, or palm-covered shelters, open to the warm Managua night air and whatever cooling breeze there happens to be. Most Nicas are fans of either rancho music (not unlike "country" - fairly unsophisticated and raucous) or merengue, but you can also hear plenty of salsa, disco and occasionally reggae.

Women generally don't go out dancing without a male escort as it can be dangerous on the street at night. Beware of overcharging in the shadier places - keep the bottles on the table and keep track of the bill if in doubt. While there have been reports of travellers being stung with outrageous bills and ending up in jail for non-payment, all the venues listed here should be OK. A beer that costs US$0.50 at a shop will cost you US$0.70-1.50 in a bar

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
