
The best of Chiclayo's restaurants is the excellent Las Tinajas, Elias Aguirre 134, which serves local dishes including a delicious arroz con pato (rice with duck) and a seco de cabrito (roast goat with spicy gravy sauce). If you can't get in here, try the Restaurant Mi Tia, Elias Aguirre 698, for snacks, pasta and goat dishes at very reasonable prices. Specializing in typical Chiclayano cooking, there's the good-value Restaurant Roma, Avenida Balta 548, or, right on the Plaza de Armas, the Restaurant Las Americas, Elias Aguirre 824, which offers decent international dishes and good, basic criolla fare. Slightly more upmarket is El Huaralino, La Libertada 155, Urbino Santa Victoria, which does Chiclayano dishes, including tortilla de raya. The Pueblo Viejo, Izaga 900, is one of the city's best criolla restaurants and is excellent value, though it's better still when there's live music on Fridays.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
