Nightlife and entertainment

After decades in the wilderness, there's a reasonable - if not amazing - club scene in Warsaw now, with a fair spread that should cater for most tastes. If Chopin concerts or avant-garde drama (including some in English) is your idea of a good night out, you're unlikely to be disappointed. In summer especially, high-quality theatre productions, operas and recitals abound, many of them as popular with tourists as with Varsovians themselves. They are also extremely cheap, particularly if you buy tickets that entail taking whatever seats are available after the third and final call (it sounds risky, but there are always places).

For up-to-date information about what's on, check the current listings sections of the Warsaw Insider or Warsaw Voice . Regular Warsaw festivals include the excellent Warsaw Summer Jazz in June, the Jazz Jamboree in October (a major bash at which everyone from Duke Ellington to Miles Davis have appeared in their time), the biennial Warsaw Film Festival, the Festival of Contemporary Music held every September, the prestigious Mozart Festival every June, and the five-yearly Chopin Piano Competition - always a launch-pad for a major international career and next to be held in 2005. The tourist office will have details of these and other upcoming events.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
