
American Express c/o Orbis, ul. Krupowki 22. Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8am-noon.

Banks PKO Bank, ul. Gimnazjalna 1 (Mon-Fri 10.15am-2.30pm), and Pekao, ul. Gimnazjalna 1; both accept travellers' cheques. There are also plenty of ATMs in town.

Hospital ul. Kamieniec 10 tel 018/206 2021.

Left luggage At the bus station (8am-7pm); and at the train station (24hr, with an unpredictable lunchtime pause).

Pharmacy ul. Krupowki 37 & 39; ul. Witkiewicza 3.

Police The police station is at ul. Jagiellonska 12.

Post office The main office is at ul. Krupowki.

Taxi tel 018/2087 or tel 9621.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):
