Information, websites and maps

The Puerto Rican Tourism Company , or PRTC (tel 800/866-5829 or 787/721-2400; ), has offices in San Juan at the Luis Munoz Marin International Airport (tel 787/791-1014) and Old San Juan, in Ponce (tel 787/284-4913), Vieques (tel 787/741-5000), Aguadilla (tel 787/890-3315) and Cabo Rojo (tel 787/851-7015). The helpful multi-lingual staff is more than eager to suggest and book hotels and restaurants, arrange activities and even intervene in case of theft or illness. Be sure to grab a copy of their 40-page Puerto Rico Travel and Sports Planner , which has lists of accommodation and phone numbers for many transportation and recreation services.

The PRTC also publishes Que Pasa? , a bimonthly glossy with a calendar of events, feature-length stories on various attractions and regions, and helpful listings. Another publication, Places to Go , distributed by CP Management, can also be useful and is free at hotels and tourist offices.

Maps are available at PRTC offices, and are included in the Puerto Rico Travel and Sports Planner and Que Pasa? . Street and road maps are also sold in bookstores.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

Puerto Rico,
Puerto Rico