On the river

Punting is the quintessential Cambridge activity, though it's a good deal harder than it looks. First-timers find themselves zigzagging across the water and "punt jams" are very common on the stretch of the Cam beside the Backs in summer. Punt rental is available at several points, including the boatyard at Mill Lane (beside the Silver Street bridge), at Magdalene Bridge, and at the Rat & Parrot pub on Jesus Green. It costs around A?12 an hour (and most places charge a deposit), with up to six people in each punt. If you find it all too daunting you can always hire a chauffeur punt from any of the rental places; this works out at about a fiver a head. Cambridge is also famous for its rowing clubs , which are clustered along the north bank of the river across from Midsummer Common. For their convenience, this stretch of water is punt-free. The most important inter-college races are the May Bumps , which, confusingly, take place in June.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

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