
Before the coming of the railways, the main route to the Lake District was the "road across the sands" from near Lancaster to GRANGE-OVER-SANDS , travellers being led by monks from Cartmel Priory, then from the sixteenth century by a royally appointed guide. The tradition continues today with one guide left, who leads the way around the slip sands and hidden channels which claimed so many lives between the fourteenth and nineteenth centuries. The eight-mile walk takes the best part of a day and departures are usually every other week between May and October; ask at the Grange tourist office for further details.

Grange tourist office is in Victoria Hall, on Main Street (Easter-Oct daily 10am-5pm; Nov-Easter Mon & Fri-Sun 10am-5pm; tel 015395/34026, ), 400 yards left from the train station and National Express stop. Keep walking up Main Street to the top of town to reach Kents Bank Road, which has plenty of accommodation lining both sides on the way out of town. Thornfield House (tel 015395/32512, ; no credit cards; A?40-50) and Methven Hotel (tel 015395/32031; A?50-60) are typical. The nearest youth hostel is a ten-minute train ride away at the smaller resort of Arnside, on Redhills Road (tel 01524/761781, ).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

United Kingdom,
Grange Over Sands