
Heading north and then east out of Henley along the A4155, it's eight leafy miles to bustling MARLOW , another pleasant Thames-side town, its centre dotted with comely Georgian buildings. Here, you can while away an hour or two watching boats go through the lock or tracing Marlow's literary connections. In 1817 Shelley and his wife Mary moved to a house on West Street (between Hayes Place and the school) and stayed for a year - just long enough for him to compose the Revolt of Islam and for her to write Frankenstein . T.S. Eliot lived down the road at no. 31 for a time in 1918, and Jerome K. Jerome wrote parts of Three Men in a Boat in the Two Brewers on St Peter's Street, Marlow's best pub.

There are regular buses from Henley to Marlow and the two are also linked by train - though you have to change twice and it takes about an hour. Buses drop passengers close to Marlow High Street, a couple of minutes walk from the tourist office , at no. 31 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9.30am-5pm; winter closes 4pm; tel 01628/483597). From the train station, it's a short walk west along Station Road to the tourist office.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

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