
BISHOP , to a Californian, means outdoor pursuits. The largest town (population 3500) in the Owens Valley, it's an excellent base for cross-country skiing, fly-fishing and especially rock-climbing. Motels , such as the El Rancho , 274 W Lagoon St (tel 760/872-9251 or 1-888/872-9251; $35-50), the Thunderbird , 190 W Pine St (tel 760/873-4215; $35-50), and bargain restaurants can be found within a block of US-395. The visitor center at 690 N Main St (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat & Sun 10am-4pm; tel 760/873-8405. ) can provide details of the many adventure travel specialists based in town. For hiking and camping information, the White Mountain Visitor Center, 798 N Main St (mid-June to Aug daily 8am-5pm; rest of year Mon-Fri 8am-4.30pm; tel 760/873-2500), will be more use.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

United States,