Arrival, information and getting around

El Paso's airport is about twenty minutes' drive northeast of downtown; Sun Metro bus route #33 (tel 915/533-3333) will take you downtown until 9pm Mon-Sat and 7pm Sun for $1; it's a $15 cab ride, although most downtown hotels offer free van rides. Greyhound buses stop at 200 W San Antonio Ave, while Amtrak trains pull in to the Daniel Burnham-designed Union Station at 700 San Francisco St, slightly to the west.

For full information on El Paso and its Mexican neighbor, contact the downtown visitor center (daily 8am-5pm; tel 915/544-0062 or 1-800/351-6024, ), at 5 Civic Center Plaza in the Convention Center complex.

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

United States,
El Paso