Arrival, information and getting around

Vermont Transit buses stop in downtown Burlington, beside City Hall Park at the corner of St Paul and Main streets, but the Amtrak station is an inconvenient five miles northeast, in the small community of Essex Junction (connecting buses every half-hour; $1). The airport is two miles out along US-2, in the same general direction. Information and help with accommodation is available from the tourist center at 60 Main St (July-Sept Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm, Sat & Sun 11am-3pm; Oct-June Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm; tel 802/863-3489 or 1-877/686-5253, ), or the kiosk on Church Street. The local CCTA bus company (tel 802/864-CCTA, ) runs a free shuttle (June to mid-Oct Mon-Fri 7.15am-9pm, Sat & Sun 11am-9pm; mid-Oct to May Mon-Fri 7.15am-6pm) connecting the university campus, downtown and the waterfront.

Lake Champlain Ferries leave from the jetty at the end of King Street; Lake Champlain Scenic Shoreline Cruises ($9 narrated tour; $36 lobster dinner cruise; tel 802/862-8300, ) departs from the Burlington Boathouse. Skirack, 85 Main St (tel 802/658-3313 or 1-800/882-4530), rents bikes .

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

United States,