
Beyond the Sol Duc turnoff, US-101 cuts across Olympic National Forest to dreary FORKS , a logging burg nestled between the Olympic Mountains and coastal sections of the park. Despite its neighboring temperate rainforests draped with moss and world-class river fishing, there's little reason to visit the town itself, other than as a base for touring the mountains. Decent accommodation is available at Miller Tree Inn , 654 E Division St (tel 360/374-6806, ; $75-160), with Victorian-styled suites and pleasant guest rooms, and at the large Olympic Suites , 800 Olympic Drive (tel 360/374-5400 or 1-800/262-3433, ; $50-75/$75-100), with spacious one- and two-bedroom units. The town's visitors center is at 1411 S Forks Ave (tel 360/374-2531 or 1-800/44-FORKS, ).

Other useful information for tourists (each section contains more specific sub-sections):

United States,